
Czech Tactical Pursuits, Střelnice Libina, 783 85, Šumvald u Uničova, Czechia (Czech Republic).

CTP Range Location North of Ŝumvald Czech Republic (Czechia)

The 50 M range is exclusively owned & operated by CTP, and is located in a disused quarry surrounded by a wood.

Velké Losiny

Velké Losiny:- suggested location to book accommodation

This is a small spa town in the North East of the Czech Republic (Czechia), which is a popular holiday destination for the locals. It is located in a beautiful valley close to the mountains. There are a large number of restaurants, B & B's, & hotels in the town and surrounding area to cater for all budgets.

Other tourist attractions & activities in the area include a thermal spa, woodland park, waterpark, chateau, papermill, military fortifications / museums, hill walking, mountain biking, and skiing

To facilitate transport to the CTP firing range each day it is recommended that clients book accommodation in Velké Losiny or in the close surrounding area. (Long Range Rifle course students see Bzenec below)

The CTP office is located in Velké Losiny, and staff are available to assist clients out of hours during courses if required.

Pictures of Velké Losiny and the surrounding countryside

Bzenec Range

Bzenec Test Firing Range

The Range is located just South of the charming town of Bzenec in the CZ Republic near the border with Slovakia and Austria, and is surrounded by conifer woods. It is the primary venue for our Long Range Rifle course as well as hosting Military Sniping competitions with attendance from around the world.

Accommodation Long Range Rifle Course

We recommend booking accommodation in the town of Bzenec, if enrolled on our Long Range Rifle Course at this venue.

Pictures of Bzenec Range



Bzenec is located in the Moravia wine producing region in the South East of the CZ Republic. It is the recommended location for booking accommodation if enrolled on our Long Range Rifle course at the Bzenec Test firing range, approximately 2 Km South of the town. There are a range of hotels, B & B's, apartments, and restaurants available to suit most budgets. Tourist attractions in the town include the award winning Castle Winery with its 24/7 tasting shop as well as hillside wine cellars.

Pictures of Bzenec